Archbishop Mark Makes Archpastoral Visit to Holy Trinity Church


From January 11-12, 2025, the Afterfeast of the Theophany of our Lord, His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania made his first archpastoral visit of the new year to Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Stroudsburg, PA, presiding over the services.

On Saturday, January 11, Great Vespers was served at the parish and was served by Archpriest Nicholas Solak and Deacon William Rusk. His Eminence presided from the throne. Following the service, Fr. Nicholas blessed priestly vestments and a silver pectoral cross in preparation for the ordination that would take place.

On Sunday, January 12, The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated. Serving with His Eminence were Archpriest Nicholas Solak, Priest Giorgi Lomsadze, Assistant Priest at St. Athanasius Church in Nicholasville, Kentucky, Deacon William Rusk, Deacon Gregory Polk, and many servers of the parish. The Choir was led under the direction of Matushka Mary Solak.

Prior to the Divine Liturgy, Jordan Mackney was enrolled in the catechumenate. May God grant him many years!

His Eminence offered the homily touching on the point that just because we are baptized does not mean that we will not face temptation in this life. No matter what problems we have or sins we commit, we can always be saved.

Following the Great Entrance, His Eminence Archbishop Mark ordained Deacon William Rusk to the holy priesthood. Axios!

After the dismissal, His Eminence warmly greeted the faithful of Holy Trinity Church and congratulated the newly ordained Priest William, Matushka Sara, and their family. He offered words of encouragement to Father William as he embarks on his new priestly ministry.

His Eminence also announced that with the recent appointment of Archpriest Nicholas Solak as the Full-Time Director of Pastoral Life for the Orthodox Church in America, Priest Vjekoslav Jovičić will be appointed as rector of Holy Trinity Church, effective February 1, 2025. His Eminence expressed deep gratitude to Fr. Nicholas, Matushka Mary, and their children, Emma, Benjamin and Niko, for their devoted service to the faithful of Holy Trinity in Stroudsburg and to the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania. In response, Fr. Nicholas expressed gratitude and pastoral greetings to His Eminence and to the faithful present. He also extended some words of encouragement to Fr. William, assuring him and his family that Holy Trinity Church “will always be your home, wherever the Lord may lead you.”

Following the veneration of the Cross, a meal was held in the parish hall.

May God grant His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence Archbishop Mark, Archpriest Nicholas, Matushka Mary, their family, the newly ordained Priest William, Matushka Sara, and their family, and the faithful of Holy Trinity many years!

Glory to God for all things!

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