Metropolitan Tikhon sends letter of support to Patriarch John X


Your Beatitude, beloved brother and concelebrant in the Lord’s Mysteries,

I write to convey my prayers and the prayers and solidarity of all the clergy and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America with the suffering Orthodox faithful of your See. During this time of uncertainty and strife, please be assured that we pray for Your Beatitude, your flock, all the Christians of Syria, and indeed all the people of Syria and the surrounding region. We entreat the Almighty God that he would send lasting peace, security, tranquility, harmony, and prosperity down upon Syria and her neighbors, and that he would always keep Your Beatitude and your flock firm in the holy Orthodox Faith, blamelessly and without fear of persecution.

Wishing Your Beatitude many blessed years,
Your in Christ,

Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada

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