Diocesan Council Meets at Holy Apostles - 06/15/17
Our Diocesan Council met on June 15 at Holy Apostles in Mechanicsburg. Their new facility is incredibly beautiful and the faithful were very warm and hospitable. The main topic addressed was the transfer of the Orphanage Property to the Diocese of 1.93 acres and the merger of the Orphanage, the remaining 5 acres and three buildings with the Monastery.
We discussed listing the Diocesan center with a realtor once we receive title for $419,900 and we will work on preparing it to show. Unfortunately, the Assistant Attorney General was not favorable to the Diocese selling the Diocesan Center to St Tikhon's Monastery as the property is being gifted from the Orphanage to the Diocese.
If you know of anyone interested in living close to St Tikhon's please have them give us a call before we list with a realtor.