Christ the Saviour Welcomes Rdr. Christopher Rakowski and his wife Martha - 08/27/17
On Sunday, August 27 our community welcomed our new choir director, Rdr. Christopher Rakowski and his wife Martha. They are both graduates of St. Vladimir Seminary. Christopher brings over 20 years of directing experience, and both he and Martha are quickly becoming woven into the fabric of our parish family. We also welcomed Fr. Vasili Hillhouse, pastor of Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Anchorage, Alaska. Fr. Vasili gave a beautiful homily, encouraging us to grow in a dynamic relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ!
This day also marked the annual commemoration of St. Phanourios, and we blessed a special bread in his honor (learn why - HERE).
Finally, at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, our teachers and students gathered for a special blessing as they prepared to return to classes. May our Lord who inspires the heart and the intellect - guide them in their instruction and their studies; and preserve them as faithful followers of His commandments!