Christ the Saviour Welcomes Fr. Reardon - 10/25/17
On Tuesday, October 24th the community of Christ the Saviour (Harrisburg, PA) welcomed well known author and theologian Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon. His lecture was part of series delivered in the Diocese of Eastern PA, and was focused on an Orthodox understanding of the Atonement. Fr. Patrick wove stories, humor, and deep Scriptural & theological reflections together as he masterfully engaged the audience. We encourage everyone to listen to a recording of his talk - available on our parish website by clicking HERE.
On Wednesday October 25th following a brief visit to Agia Sophia Coffeehouse, Fr. Patrick led our weekly Pan-Orthodox Downtown Bible Study on a reflection on Luke Ch. 13.
May God grant Fr. Patrick many more years of ministry to his flock of All Saints in Chicago, to the greater Orthodox Church, and to many others through his writings, podcasts, and lectures!