Holy Apostles Welcomes Archbishop MARK and Faithful to Bless Latest Addition to Church - 11/05/17
On Sunday, November 5, His Eminence Archbishop Mark visited Holy Apostles Mission and blessed their newly completed iconostas. The iconostas was made possible by a very generous anonymous donation from outside the parish, together with the generosity of the faithful who donated towards the actual icons.
The iconostas was built by diocesan priest, Fr. Joseph Toroney. The icons were painted by Ivan Rumiantsev, Master Iconographer for St Tikhon’s Monastery.
His Eminence was joined by Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki, Rector, Archpriest Daniel Ressetar, Archpriest David Cowan, Vice-Chancellor of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey and brother-in-marriage of Fr. Timothy, Fr. Kostas Petrogeorge, and Deacon Seraphim Reynolds, together with a full church, choir and altar servers who gathered to celebrate this joy.
The faithful of Mechanicsburg give thanks to God for this most recent blessing, and rejoice at the beauty now present in this Holy House.