Assumption of the Holy Virgin host Fifth Sunday of Great Lent Mission Service - 03/25/18
On Sunday, March 25, the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church hosted the St. Mary of Egypt Mission Service that was sponsored by both the Philadelphia Deanery of the Diocese and the Philadelphia Pan-Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood. The Very Reverend Mark Koczak delivered the homily speaking on the “Two Mary’s” (St Mary of Egypt and the feast of The Annunication) and his own calling by the Virgin Mary to minister to the Orthodox faithful (Father Mark has either been attached to or assigned to parishes named after the Theotokos). The Philadelphia area Pan-Orthodox choir sang the Mission Service under the direction of Reader Daniel Drobish. It was a well-received Mission Service with approximately 96 clergy, parishioners, friends, and guest from the Philadelphia area in attendance.
Afterwards, a Lenten meal was offered in the church basement where one and all gathered and enjoyed their time in Orthodox fellowship.
The Mission Service was streamed live on all of the parish’s social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, and our website), It will remain on our network sites for your future viewing pleasure at