Christ the Saviour Welcomes Archbishop MARK for busy St. Thomas Sunday - 04/15/18
Christ is Risen!
Христос Воскресе!
Χριστός Ανέστη!
المسيح قام!
On Sunday, April 15th the community at Christ the Saviour celebrated our patronal feast - St. Thomas Sunday (Antipascha). We were especially blessed by having hierarch, Archbishop Mark, to celebrate with us, and to set-aside through the laying-on of hands, Sbdn. John Shingara to the Holy Diaconate. Axios! He is Worthy! "Many years" to Dn. John and M. Xenia as they continue to serve our parish, and Christ's Holy Church.
We also want to offer a special thanks to our Men's Club who prepared a delicious meal to celebrate our Parish Feast.
(Aposticha Hymn) Oh, most glorious wonder! Doubt bore certain faith. Thomas said: “Unless I see, I shall not believe!” By touching His side, he blessed the incarnate Son of God, Who had suffered in the flesh, and he proclaimed the resurrected God, crying out with joy: “My Lord and my God, glory to Thee!