Frackville Deanery Comes Together to Celebrate Feast - 08/28/18
On Tuesday, August 28, the Eve of the Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Holy Apostles Mission hosted an evening Liturgy (to accommodate working families) which was attended by clergy and parishioners of six local and not-so-local Orthodox communities. We were blessed to have Fr. Ignatius Hunter, of St. Michael's in Mt. Carmel, who gave an excellent homily on the Righteousness of St. John the Baptist, and how the world reacts to people like him. On some minor feasts, parishes in the Frackville Deanery are making an effort to come together and celebrate these feasts together. We thank God for the time of worship and fellowship as we remembered the one who the Lord called “the greatest man born of woman.” Joyous Feast!