Archbishop MARK Visits Holy Apostles - 10/14/18
On the weekend of October 13-14, 2018, His Eminence Archbishop Mark made an Archpastoral visit to Holy Apostles Mission. Following the Vespers Service Saturday evening, His Eminence blessed 2 new icons for above the Table of Oblation, and also blessed the new shelves used to hold parish relics.
On Sunday morning, His Eminence presided at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy where he bestowed the right to wear the palitza on parish rector, Fr. Timothy Hojnicki. His Eminence was joined in the altar by Archprieists Daniel Ressetar and John Edward, as well as Prododn. Peter Skoog, and Dn. Silouan Burns (parish intern from St. Tikhon’s Seminary).
After the full Liturgy, the parish celebrated with their 13th Annual Dinner Dance & Silent Auction. During the banquet, special parish appreciation citations were given to Donald Fair, Mark Potteiger, and Steve Sak, spouses of parishioners, who while not being Orthodox, have been a great blessing to the community in offering their time, talent, and treasure, for the building up of our parish.
Members of the community, the Tegene Family, recently visited their homeland of Ethiopia this past summer. They brought back a traditional Ethiopian Elder’s staff and presented it to the Archbishop as a token of their respect for his as our Father in Christ.
The Dinner Dance and Silent Auction was a complete success, and a lot of fun!
Glory to God for all things!