Holy Apostles Hears St. Matthew's Gospel - 12/19/21
Today we heard the beautiful booming baritone of our Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Molodyko-Harris, as he eloquently read from Saint Matthew's Gospel the Geneology of Jesus Christ. This scripture reading demonstrates Jesus's true humanity as it traces back His ancestry -- from Abraham to Joseph the Betrothed -- that was composed not only of kings and prophets, but also murderers, thieves, adulterers, and drunkards (some times in the same person) from Abraham.
At Fellowship, we held our annual Gingerbread Contest: Favorite Christmas Song. Overall winner was entitled "Winter Wonderland" followed by "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas." A total of $325 was raised to purchase Giant Gift Cards for those in need. What wonderfully talented parishioners we have!