All Saints Journey to PASCHA - 04/14/23

Christ is Risen! During the Course of Holy Week 2023, Fr. Paul Witek and the parishioners of All Saints gathered on a daily basis for the celebration of divine services.  The early part of the week was highlighted with Bridegroom Matins services.  On Thursday the faithful assembled for Vespers with the Liturgy of St. Basil commemorating the Lord's Mystical Supper and  the Service of Matins for Holy Friday with the 12 Gospel readings.   On Holy Friday a beautiful celebration of Vespers was held with the placing of the Winding Sheet of the Lord in the Tomb.  On Friday evening the faithful of All Saints traveled to their sister parish of St. Nicholas in Olyphant for a joint celebration of Holy Saturday Matins served by Fr. David Hester Fr. Paul Witek, and Father Deacon Stephen Howanetz.  On Holy Saturday, the two parishes came together again at All Saints to celebrate the Vespers with the Liturgy of St. Basil, presided over by His Eminence, Archbishop Mark.  The communities were blessed to not only bring together theri faithful, but also combine their choirs under the direction of David Brzuchalski of All Saints and Mark Howanetz of St. Nicholas.  After a moving Holy Week,  the faithful greeted the Holy Pascha with joy.  A Bright Monday Liturgy followed concelebrated by Fr. Paul and Fr. John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary.