Diocesan Cathedral visited by His Eminence, Archbishop Mark with Ordination - 04/14/24
On Sunday, April 14, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent, His Eminence, Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania presided over the services at St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Diocesan Cathedral of Eastern Pennsylvania.
Serving with His Eminence were Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk, Dean of the Cathedral, Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Molodyko-Harris, attached to Holy Apostles Church in Mechanicsburg, PA, Priest Emmanuel Pratsinakis, a retired priest in the Philadelphia area, and Protodeacon George Zlatkowski, Attached Protodeacon to the Cathedral.
His Eminence offered the homily, emphasizing the importance of focusing not only on the condition of our outer appearance but more so on the condition of our souls.
During the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, His Eminence ordained Subdeacon Tikhon Wallace to the Diaconate. Deacon Tikhon will now serve and be trained as the new deacon at St. Stephen's Cathedral. Axios!
Following the Liturgy, His Eminence offered some words of encouragement for the newly ordained Deacon Tikhon. The Cathedral then presented His Eminence with a replica of a portrait painted by one of the Cathedral's faithful parishioners. The original will be displayed at the Cathedral.
A Lenten meal was held in the hall following the service.
Glory to God for all things!