Christ the Saviour visited by His Eminence, Archbishop Mark - 04/28/24
On Sunday, April 28th, Palm Sunday, His Eminence, Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, led the services at Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Harrisburg, PA.
During the Divine Liturgy, John Romain (who was baptized on Friday evening) and Joseph Middelkoop were received into the Orthodox Church through the Mystery of Holy Chrismation! God grant them Many Years!
Serving with His Eminence were Archpriest Stephen Vernak, Rector of Christ the Saviour Church, and the Mitered Archpriest Daniel Kovalak, Attached to Christ the Saviour Church. Also serving were Deacon John Shingara, Attached to Christ the Saviour Church, and the altar servers of the parish.
His Eminence offered the homily on the solemn feast of Palm Sunday and the significance of our beginning the journey into Holy Week toward Great and Holy Pascha.
After the ambo prayer a procession was made to mark the feast of Palm Sunday. During the Announcements, His Eminence congratulated Archpriest Stephen on the occasion of Fr. Stephen’s 17th Anniversary of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood! Axios!
Following the Post-Communion prayers, a Lenten Meal was held at the Church hall across the street.
May God grant His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, the newly-illumined John and Joseph, their families, and the faithful of Christ the Saviour many years!
Glory to God for all things!