20th Anniversary of the Tikvhin Icon Returning to Russia - 06/24/24
Upon the invitation of His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest, and with the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, a delegation from the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania was sent to attend the feast celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God returning to Russia.
On Wednesday, June 26, The Feast of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, a large celebration was held in honor of the Theotokos. His Beautitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, Archbishop Washington, Metropolitan of all America and Canada, was greeted and vested for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and concelebrated with His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel of Chicago, His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel of Detroit, His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco, His Grace, Bishop Benedict of Hartford, His Grace, Bishop Andrei of Cleveland, and His Grace, Bishop Gerasim of Fort Worth. Serving with the hierarchs were clergy from throughout the Orthodox Church in America.
Priest Kirill Zawatski, Acting Rector of Holy Ascension Church in Frackville, PA (effective July 1, 2024), and Reader Nicholas Hojnicki, Director of Communications, represented His Eminence and the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania at this event.
His Beatitude offer the homily after the reading of the gospel reminding everyone, “Because Christ’s kingdom belongs to the future age, it cannot be touched by the ravages of time. Likewise, the protection of the Mother of God is omnipresent and invincible. Love is stronger than death, and her love for her children cannot be overcome by mortality.”
The St. Romanos Choir, lead by Reader Peter Jermihov, offered the responses during the service. Reader Peter directed the choir 20 years ago when the original icon was returned to Russia.
Following the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and the greeting the hierarchs gathered before the Chicago-Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and began the Moleben to the Theotokos. After the beginning prayers, the hierarchs, clergy, and faithful began a mile long procession with the icon. Processing through the streets of Chicago to the ringing of the Cathedral bells, clergy lifted the holy icon on their shoulders and sang hymns to the Mother of God. The faithful followed the Queen of Heaven and also sang hymns, rejoicing in the day. The procession ended at St. George Cathedral, where everyone entered to finish the Moleben.
At the conclusion of the service Priest Alexander Koranda, Dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral, greeted those gathered and offered a brief reflection on the importance of this icon and its history to Chicago, and the personal relationship that so many people shared with the original icon for the fifty years that it was in America. The faithful came to venerate the icon as those gathered continued to pray and offer hymns to the Mother of God. After the veneration of the icon, everyone was hosted in the main hall of St. George Cathedral for a festive banquet.
The delegation from the Diocese of Eastern Pennyslvania would like to extend its gratitude and appreciation to His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest, and Priest Alexander Koranda, Dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral, for their kindness and hospitality.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us!
CLICK HERE for full report of the feast.
CLICK HERE for His Beautitude's Homily.
Credits to the Diocese of the Midwest.