Patronal Feastday of St. Herman of Alaska Church - 08/09/24
On Friday, August 9, the Patronal Feastday of St. Herman of Alaska was celebrated at St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church in Shillington, PA. Clergy from around the Frackville Deanery joined in celebration.
The Festal Divine Liturgy was served by Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki, Dean of the Frackville Deanery, along with Priest Vjekoslav Jovičić, Rector of St. Herman of Alaska Church, Archpriest Stephen Vernak, and Priest Kirill Zawatski.
Following the Dismissal, Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Molodyko-Harris spoke about the canonization of St. Herman. Fr. Nicholas is the last remaining priest who served at the canonization services in Kodiak in 1970.
A light meal was held in the church hall following the veneration of the cross.
May God grant Priest Vjekoslav, his family, and the faithful of St. Herman of Alaska Church many years!
O Father Herman, pray unto God for us!
Glory to God for all things!
CLICK HERE to watch the full video report.