Archpastoral Visit • Bethlehem, PA - 08/11/24

On Sunday, August 11, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, His Eminence, Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, presided over the services at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA.

During the Little Entrance, His Eminence elevated Priest Nikolai Breckenridge, Rector of St. Nicholas Church, to the rank of Archpriest. Axios!

Serving the Divine Liturgy with His Eminence were the newly-elevated Archpriest Nikolai and the Mitered Archpriest James Mason, attached to St. Nicholas Church. Also serving was Deacon Geoffrey LoBalbo and the servers of the parish.

His Eminence offered the homily, speaking about how to be a Christian is to change for the better. As Christians, we must change to be more like Christ and not “stay who we are and where we are spiritually.”

Following the Dismissal, “Memory Eternal” was intoned for the late Matushka Mary-Anne LoBalbo on the 7th anniversary of her repose.

Following the announcements, His Eminence offered words of encouragement to the newly-elevated Archpriest Nikolai. A meal was held in the church hall following the service.

May God grant His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, the newly-elevated Archpriest Nikolai, Matushka Liudmyla and their family, and the faithful of St. Nicholas Church many years!

Glory to God for all things!