Beginning of the Church New Year in Olyphant, PA - 09/01/24

S'pradznikom! Joyous Feast!

On Sunday, September 1, The first day of the Church New Year, All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated the beginning of the Indiction.

Celebrating the Divine Services was Priest Paul Witek, Rector, and the Mitered Archpriest Daniel Geeza.

Prior to the Divine Liturgy, the faithful of All Saints Church welcomed Andrew Goodwin into the catechumenate. May God grant him many years!

Following the Divine Liturgy, Reader Thomas Coon, A Seminarian Intern from St. Tikhon's Theological Seminary, was gifted with a new cassock and was thanked for his service this summer, reminding him of his new home at All Saints Parish

On Behalf of His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, the Diocesan Media Office would like extend it's best wishes to the Mitered Archpriest Daniel and Matushka Mary Geeza on the occasion of their 66th wedding anniversary. May God grant them many years!

Glory to God for all things!