Russian Days Festival, Bethlehem - 09/10/10
The "Russian Days" Festival at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church of Bethlehem has been held every year on the weekend after Labor Day for 29 years. A significant addition this year was the visit of the Icon, "She Who is Quick to Hear", brought from St. Tikhon's Monastery by Fr. Gabriel and Brother Stephen, with the blessing of the Abbot, Fr. Sergius. On Friday an Akathist was celebrated by Fr. Gabriel, Fr. James Mason and the Rector, Fr. David Mahaffey. On Saturday a Molieben was held by the same clergy in remembrance of 9/11. An extra special event this year was the wedding of Kelly Wolfe and James Brelsford on Sunday, sung by the Parish Choir under the direction of Reader Nicholas Lezinsky. The weather was good, crowds were large, and most of the food was sold out; what food wasn't sold out was donated to a local food kitchen.