Christ the Saviour Church, Harrisburg - 10/21/10
On Thursday, October 21st the Miraculous, Myrrh-streaming
Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos from Honolulu, Hawaii visited
Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church (Harrisburg, PA), and was greeted by
over 400 faithful clergy and laity from throughout South Central
Pennsylvania. A service of Thanksgiving and Intercession was sung by all
in attendance, who then came forward to venerate the Holy Icon and
receive anointing from the precious Myrrh that flows from Her.
an age of cold and unbelieving hearts, our Lord has offered us His
Mother to help melt away our skepticism and our fear, with the knowledge
that we do not face our struggles alone - truly God is with us! Many of
the faithful stayed until the very end, when the Icons guardian, Reader
Nectary, opened the wooden case and allowed us to see how, indeed,
precious and sweet-smelling myrrh was covering the Holy Icon, and that
cotton balls replaced just the day before were saturated with it. This
was an evening that we hope never to forget, especially amongst our
many trials. Most Holy Theotokos, save us!