Christ the Saviour blesses vehicles and welcomes Special Guests - 07/21/13
On Sunday, July 21st, the community of Christ the Saviour (Harrisburg) celebrated their annual car blessing - which is done on the Sunday closest to St. Elijah day (July 20). We ask that God will keep our drivers and passengers safe, and that we will be reminded to do "all things for His glory" - even our driving! Our community also welcomed Fr. Peter Baktis (Col. US Army) and M. Jeanne, who were in Carlisle at the US Army War College for training.
May the Lord bless you from Zion, may you behold the good things of Jerusalem all the days of your life, and may He direct your journey in peace, unto the glory of His Holy Name - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!