A great resource with a variety of articles written about topics such as miracles that occur in Orthodoxy, explanations regarding Christmas and martyrdom, and daily messages by the Daily Prayer Team. There are also a few radio programs such as “Come Receive the Light” and “Bible Answer Man” (a live call-in to chat with Hank Hanegraaff). Of course you can also stream Byzantine music and worship services via this website.
This is a weblog of the Mystagogy Resource Center by John Sanidopouls. You can find various articles written about saints, catechism, Christian life, etc.
OCAYouth.org services the young Orthodox Christian community with a wealth of useful information regarding our annual events and programs throughout the year.
Limited resource by the Antiochian Archdiocese whereby you can find out information on and sign up for their annual bible bowl (test your bible knowledge) as well as their annual oratorical festival (teens are given the opportunity to write and talk about their faith).
A ministry tool of the Greek Archdiocese of America whereby you can find articles on religious education, faith, internet ministries, etc.
Resource for connecting with an OCF group as well as finding out about all of the events and opportunities available to young Orthodox Christians.
“Wonder” presents articles on themes and topics relevant for Orthodox Christian young adults and college students from a variety of perspectives. It is our hope the content you read here will help provide a “good defense” and understanding of our Faith.
The Hub was a project undertaken by the Department of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministries around 2003. It offers a multitude of resources for youth, young adult, and campus ministry. These resources include theological reflection on youth ministry, icebreakers, camp ideas, and sample forms.
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